The Snowdon panorama I recently acquired an iPhone so that I can consult the internet when I am away from my computer. I typed in ‘jesty snowdon’, and within three minutes I found the Snowdon panorama. I could enlarge the… Continue Reading →
On 9th October 2019 I uploaded some interesting facts about the English language that I had read about. Here are some interesting facts about mathematics that I have read about. A vast number of people have been working on mathematics… Continue Reading →
Videos made using my video camera The video camera I took with me to Africa was used to film many other things, including my flats in Barrow, Chapel Close and Beast Banks and my daily journeys from Barrow to Kendal…. Continue Reading →
On 8th May 2019 I uploaded some of my favourite scenes from television programmes that were broadcast before the introduction of high definition and wide screens. They came to about five hours. On 8th November I uploaded some of my… Continue Reading →
I spend a lot of my time reading, and whenever I read about something of especial interest I make a note of it. Here is an example: There are seven mutated plurals in English of three types: (1) foot, goose… Continue Reading →
On 16th September 2019 I uploaded links to recordings of 33 of my favourite songs that are not featured elsewhere in my website. Two of these songs, ‘Little Serenade’ and ‘I Dreamed’ I do not have on tape because I… Continue Reading →
By 18th August 2019 my selections from the film Golden Girl with Mitzi Gaynor had been seen 281 times – more than four times as often as any other item. If that sequence can suddenly take off perhaps others will… Continue Reading →
Until recently, whenever I added an item to my website I added a paragraph to the introduction, but this was unsatisfactory because it meant that people had to read the whole of the introduction in order to find the addition…. Continue Reading →
One way that my collection is unsatisfactory is that related scenes are sometimes separated because the programmes were broadcast in weekly instalments. This is particularly true of Flight over Spain, so I have combined all the scenes from that series… Continue Reading →
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